Vídeo of the Week #34


Ericeira’s sea isn’t just about surf and fishery. Some people enjoy other activities, such as exploring the coastal village’s rich seabed.

In this week’s video we travel along with a couple of divers in Pontarrala, a diving spot in Ericeira with 20 to 25 meters of depth. It’s one of the oldest and most renowned places for fishing underwater with a varied biodiversity, which provides a set of images resembling a tropical scenery with an explosion of colours under clean waters.

Among the species living in this ecosystem there are yellow sponges and pout shoals.

Only a few know the exact location of this underwater world, but some say it is the most beautiful place at the bottom of the sea in Ericeira. It’s protection is vital to preserve the sealife of this unique place.

Watch this and other videos on Ericeira Channels: #531631 and #280074 in Meo Kanal.