Marine renewable energy sources may be installed in Ericeira


Photography: André Carvalho Samsung


Since January 30 (and lasting until March 30), a public consultation has been open for the formulation of suggestions and collection of contributions for the creation of a preliminary proposal to install renewable energy sources of oceanic origin or location.

The following quotation can be read in the document that opens the public consultation: “Due to the characteristics of the Portuguese sea, which reaches great depths a few miles from the coast, associated with geographical areas where the wind and wave resources are more favorable, a set of areas where wind energy will be the source of electricity generation, from electrogenerators mounted under floating structures and anchored to the seabed or to fixed structures on the seabed where possible, complemented by electrogenerators actuated by wave energy.”

in Ericeira, the project could cover an area of 256.84 km² and an installable power of 0.8 GW

All the areas mentioned in the proposal guarantee the “appropriate dimensions for commercial projects of renewable energy in the EMN” and are located on the coasts of Viana do Castelo (expanding the already existing area), Leixões, Figueira da Foz, Ericeira and Sintra-Cascais and Sines, which together will have the capacity to produce a power of 10 gigawatts.

The zones mentioned above are located in “areas where estimates of wave energy resources are very variable”, with special attention to the Leixões area and the northern areas of Figueira da Foz and Ericeira, which show higher values varying between 30.1 and 35 kW/m.

It will be the Government to define which areas will definitely go to auction which, according to the Portuguese PM, will be launched by the end of the current year.

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